An original idea. That can't be too hard. The library must be full of them. (c)Stephen Fry
2014-04-10 09:38:41 1WY7gr-00176s-Bl <= user@server P=esmtpsa A=dovecot_login:user@server S=18890395 from for [email protected] [email protected]
2014-04-10 09:38:54 1WY7gr-00176s-Bl ** [email protected] R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp: SMTP error from remote mail server after end of data: host []: 550 virus message discarded
2014-04-10 09:38:55 1WY7gr-00176s-Bl => [email protected] R=lookuphost T=remote_smtp [] X=TLSv1:AES256-SHA:256 C="250 OK id=1WY7hJ-0003fV-Ih

Как видно, более параноялен, чем И наоборот. Смотря к какому из айпишников сервера подключаться :)

@темы: будни, бред